Fashion - A Review
Coolness of female beauty
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By Kai-Uwe Nielsen

Transitoriness of Beauty

One of the main characteristic of our now time is the search for physical beauty. Photography is the only mean that can fix the moment of total beauty in visual terms. MakeUp and hairstyling and the appropriate fashion have long been the standard for the fashionable appearance.

Cosmetic surgery seams to become the new „conditio sine qua non“. But also our beloved Photoshop too has declared war to wrinkles, overweight and all the signs of transience of the human body. But on the otherside the credibility of photography in the unerring reproduction of nature is vanished and there are the uprising doubts which resonate by the reflection of actual portraits and fashion shots.
The definition of male and female loveliness and fineness is extremely time-bound, so the deified topmodel is always involved in his/her respective Zeitgeist and Fashion world. But we all know there is a timeless, classic ideal that was defined by the old Greeks in their the golden section for proportions in nature. One might complain the lost of the elegance from the 1950’ with these sophisticated models like Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn but fashion has to be future-directed and not - by declaration - retrospective. The actual style concepts and fashion trends are more liberal and not dictating. The stylistic pluralism that can be found in architecture as well as in the fashion world enables the fashion fan to create his own concept of personal styling. The fragmentation of fashion trends has become the rule. At long last it is not worth to dispute about the right or wrong style since it is the beauty of the individual that forms the attractivity!

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